Graduate Student Review – 4 Months To Offer

Before using Katia’s resume services, I was struggling to find jobs and obtain interviews from employers. My resume was ineffective and didn’t highlight my skills and achievements that can help separate me from others. I heard a lot of positive reviews from Katia’s resume services and how she was able to help individuals find jobs. I was on a waiting list.

After one week, Katia reached out to me and instructed me to provide various projects, achievements, and work experience I have accumulated over two years. She was able to create an ATS-friendly resume that was modern, simple, and captured the eyes of recruiters. I started to receive more interview requests, and after four months, I received a job offer.

The journey was very emotionally draining; however, Katia held my hand through the whole process and went above and beyond to help me find a job. Katia decided to make this her mission to help me find a job and provided positive encouragement, job postings, and access to her connections. Indeed a fantastic person, a good friend, and a skilled resume writer. 

– Faisal