What I learned From Building Connections With Recruiters

Everyone is seeking positions these days. Consequently, professionals must have the “perfect resume” apply online and get through the ATS system but find no answers. What I have learned, start building a connection with the recruiter.  “Do not ask can you find me a position, or what positions are available.”

In the past, I did the typical job hunt where I merely focused on the title and applied.  Even so, that method was not going at all.  Check out https://katiascylife.tech/what-i-learned-changing-my-job-search-method/ to get more tips on how to change your job method approach.

I wanted to share my experience based off applying to a clearance sponsorship opportunity. For positions in the DMV area, some positions require a security clearance.  Most of the positions at this company I needed to have a higher clearance.

What is a clearance sponsorship?  This means a company will sponsor you for a security clearance to work for their company. This type of opportunity is not offered frequently, so if you see a job posting act on it fast. This process is long, and stressful; therefore, you must remain positive, and occupy your time wisely. Here are my tips to build those connections with recruiters.  

Start a conversation with the recruiter

 First, start a conversation with the recruiter. Before I applied for the position, I researched the company and looked at the reviews on the glassdoor. Which helped with my decision to apply.

Depending on the size of the company you can find the leadership team. On the company’s website, the leadership team was displayed with a wonderful overview video of the company.

I went to LinkedIn to find recruiters that were active and showed a lot of activity.  I was able to find one recruiter, however, that recruiter was busy. Therefore, I reached out to the social media recruiter. I was successful with that connection, even though she referred me back to the previous recruiter. I eventually, connected with the right person.

At the time I was currently employed, but due to contractual issues my time was coming to an end soon.  I made sure to keep in touch with basic hello’s and follow up with emails.

Be patient, but know when to move on

Second, be patient there are times when recruiters are busy and can not get back to you. My advice is to wait at least two weeks. Then connect the third week to check the updated status.

Share job postings

Third, share job postings. There a lot of cyber professionals looking to break into this industry. On my LinkedIn page, I started sharing job postings that were unique. This basic sharing allowed me to get more connections with recruiters with this method.

Build a online presence

Fourth, build an online presence. Once you get outside of your comfort zone. You will notice recruiters will reach out to connect.  The company I will be working on soon. Noticed that I shared job postings and I was able to assist them at a job fair event to find new candidates.  Who would’ve thought just sharing a post will get you a chance to volunteer.

In conclusion, I hope sharing my experience and implementing some of these tips will help with those connections.

Ask questions!

1 thought on “What I learned From Building Connections With Recruiters”

  1. In searching for a job it is a job in of its self. The first day there is no clue what to do, but the confedence needs to shine thru. In searching for a job there are now certifications or classes that inform us of these ideas and steps. Thank you for sharing your experience in a real life aspect that we can all learn from and relate. My confedence is shining thru.

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