4 Actionable Ways to Breaking into Cybersecurity: Katia’s Cylife Edition

Cybersecurity! This term is portrayed in the media as defending the networks and hacking into a computer to perform cyber-attacks against business. So, cyber professionals only understand this single field of cybersecurity. Bringing awareness that cybersecurity is more than just hacking will improve the cyber workforce. A quote from Dr. Mansur Hasib defines this term from a holistic approach “Cybersecurity is the mission focused and risk, optimized governance of information, which maximizes confidentiality, integrity, and availability using a balanced mix of people, policy, and technology, while perennially improving over time.”

Katia’s Cylife blog was produced to bring awareness about cybersecurity and share my experiences to improve the cyber workforce.  This blog will share my tips for breaking into the industry. Implementing some of the tips, from previous blogs has helped cyber professionals see this area from a different point of view.

Find a Mentor

First, find a mentor in this industry. A mentor is someone who knows the industry, gives advice, and motivates you to accomplish goals.  During my graduate studies, there was a professor named Dr. Stephanie Carter, she mentioned that having a mentor is important, and if you needed help feel free to reach out.  So, I took her advice and reached out. This deed of kindness was important because I was new to this industry, and I realized in my undergrad studies in the technology field I did not have any direction.

In your hunt for finding a mentor, make certain that you are also willing to put in the work. Do not waste the mentor’s time, creating excuses, or not meeting deadlines, because of “life”.Some mentor’s go out their way to help people succeed. They are also risking their reputation don’t make them look bad.

That’s a No NO!

Enhance communication and interpersonal skills

Second, enhance interpersonal skills. This area is known for being technical, however professionals need to recognize that interpersonal skills are significant as well.  I share some unique interpersonal skills in another blog.  On the other hand, communication skills are demanded at all levels of cybersecurity.  A cyber professional must know how to communicate with technical and non-technical people. Being capable to master this skill is vital for entry level or senior level role.

Building Relationships with Recruiters

Third, building relationships with recruiters. I see postings all the time with cyber professionals looking for work. I’ve been in this field for 5 years. All the same, what I noticed is job candidates must go the extra mile. Of course, you need your resume, and sometimes a cover letter.  But on the other hand, establishing a relationship with a recruiter will give you a safer opportunity of getting a position in this industry.  There are more detailed tips in another blog.

Create your own path

Finally, creating your own path is another way to break into this industry. This field is always changing. Whether, you learn from obtaining certifications, obtaining an advanced degree, or creating your own business. At the end of the day, there is no magical path for cybersecurity.

For instance, my path into cybersecurity was, undergrad degree in Electronic Engineering, various positions in engineering within the defense, space and aerospace industry, volunteering at STEM-ING events for young girls, then a master’s in cybersecurity.  

In conclusion, these actionable tips on breaking into this industry. I hope brings awareness in a different approach than just listing the skills you need in this field. 

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