Are You Losing Hope Due to Being Unemployed?

Accept you been put off recently or unemployed for a long period of time? Are you losing all hope, assurance, and sleep wondering will I ever find work once more? Well, I’m here to tell you I see your pain and concern as well. If you have been reading my blog postings, I partake in the ups and downs within cybersecurity. However, today I wanted to reach out to my unemployed people out there.
If you do not know I’m currently unemployed as well due to lay off that was out of my control. For the past 8 months (but who’s counting) I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster. Despite this small change in my life I want to shed light on this topic and encourage you to take some of my tips into consideration.

  • Build an online presence – I’m in the field of cybersecurity, I resolved into creating my blog KatiasCylife. Since I share my experience from a relatable stand point, I noticed people ask for my advice and always mention I take in a confident position. (Thank you I try ? ). Then I encourage you to partake in your story, but always hold a solution you never know who you will touch.
  • Volunteer – During this phase as everyone knows looking for a new position is like a full-time occupation. Nevertheless, get out and attend local events pertaining to your subject. This will show the employer you are active in your area of expertise with an addition to finding employment.
  • Determine your job search– My job search began at the end of January, would’ve started sooner, but was awaiting another opportunity which is on the grasp for now. I researched several ways to limit my job search. Read the method I implement here.
  • Start a business– Yes, you were laid off at your current position, but think about all those skills, and talent you already have. Get out there and achieve other goals as well.
  • Learn a new skill– Depending on your field you can always improve your skills. For instance, I’m currently studying for the AWS Cloud certification.
  • Hiring Process– I can only speak from a cleared space environment. I observed since the shutdown companies are taking a longer time to hire about 3- 4 weeks with the overall process. To improve this process a best practice should be a two way communication between the recruiter and the job seeker. Companies should also invest in a new ATS systems with about 3 steps with tracking ability so job seekers can see the overall process.
    For the recruiters: Do all the job seekers a favor get back to them in a reasonable time. If you know within a few hours after the interview or even a day after. They did not get the position tell them right away. No one should have to wait 2 weeks to be told NO! We will be grateful for this small gesture. Thank you :).
  • Staying Positive– Yes I know it’s hard staying positive during this time. I will admit I’m even stressed because I have my own personal deadline in my mind. Meeting this deadline is highly important to me so I have been networking in overtime to accomplish it. I recommend these best practices to stay sane.
    • Read positive Affirmations
    • Listen to some meditation music
    • Take a break with the job search ( maybe do T,W,F for job searching)
  • Overall this short set back in your life is stressful. You will be on an emotional roller-coaster. However, turn this negative into a positive and look on the bright side. For the month of April I WILL KEEP SAYING THIS PHRASE UNTIL I GET AN OFFER WITH A START DATE. APRIL WILL BE MY LAST MONTH OF THE STRUGGLE!!!
  • Here is a Affirmation to leave you with today!
    I am ready for my interviews aka conversations, I am confident in my interviews aka conversation. I am successful in my interview aka conversations.