Case Study He Transitioned Into Cyber Security And Got Hired With One Click - KatiasCyLife

Case Study: How This Client Snagged A 30% Increase From IT to PCI Compliance Analyst With Just One Application

This client purchased the Cyber Security IT package

  1. Introduce yourself and your background?

I am a seasoned IT professional with experience in project management, site support, executive support, and compliance.  Originally from Brooklyn, I now reside in GA with my wife and two children.

  1. What was your first role in Cyber?

I have learned that I’ve always worked in Cyber.  It’s a matter of realizing how Cyber is involved in all aspects of the IT world.

  1. How did you get started? 

I worked on Wall Street for eight years before I heard about an uncertified school in NJ that taught Cisco engineering.  We had lectures on Friday, and labs started Saturday afternoon, and you couldn’t leave until the lab worked. We rarely left before dawn.  Upon graduation, I became a Field Tech for a telecom company.

  1. What made you work with Katia?

I met Katia through Boyd Clewis.  She gave us such great advice, for free no less, during one of our classes. I decided from there that I would invest in her services.

  1. How was the experience?

It was great! We did an interview, she asked me what I expected, and a few weeks later, I had my resume. 

  1. Did it differ from working with other resume writers? If so, how?

I haven’t worked with resume writers before. I have always written my own resume, and I’ve had my mentors help me.  This process was different in that she used that guide (I forget the name, sorry) to compare what I’ve done to available roles, and was able to apply that to my experience.

  1. What was your mindset and outlook like before you decided to invest in career services?

I knew that I had to invest in career services – it was time to try something new! I was very confident in Katia’s ability.

  1. How did Katia’s services impact your career? 

The first job I applied for with Katia’s version of my resume landed me a remote position with a 30% increase in pay as a Compliance Analyst. 

  1. How do you stay sharp in your field? List any courses, podcasts or resources you like or felt were crucial in getting you to where you are.

I am on LinkedIn every day.  I follow several IT influencers there.  I also check sites like Business Insider, CNET, ZDNet, and daily. 

  1. Advice for new Cyber folks or folks transitioning into cyber for the first time? 

I would say don’t worry about certifications, have your employer pay for them. Make sure you know the subject matter, and speak up with confidence.  Make sure you have questions in your interview. Find a mentor and network!

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