Ideas to Supercharge Your Job Search in 2021

Have you been sending out job applications none stop? Or instantly getting a rejection email within a short period of time ? If you answered Yes let me, tell you about an exciting story that happened to me.

This tweet inspires this blog.

Job Strategy

  • Conducted research on different industries for a new position. Cybersecurity is in every industry, so start your job search by narrowing down something you are interested in or know of.
    • For instance, if you are a nurse and want to transition into cyber or any form of tech. The industry you already know in is healthcare.
    • Another example maybe you are in banking. Then the industry you can focus on is fintech.
  • Define the industry and then focused on company size. Right now, I’m looking at startup companies because they have unique perks and innovative technology.
  • Once I find the company and role, I research LinkedIn and find either a recruiter or an employee with the same job title. And I send the following cold message.

Cold Messaging Template

Note customize this for your situation.

Hi (Recruiter). My name is (Name).  If you have a second, I would love the chance to discuss how my (Specific Skill) and experiences might match the (Job Title) I’ve applied for (If You Already Applied). Thanks for connecting, and I hope you have a great day!

  • Then I applied to a position that I had the skillset and knowledge for, and guess what? Within 24 hours, I got rejected. Even though I got rejected, I wanted to get an interview at this company. So I sent the cold message above and waited at least 2 days to get a response.
  • Sending that message above, I was able to get an interview on LinkedIn Video.

LinkedIn Profile  

  • Importance of building a profile on LinkedIn could assist you in your next job search. However, you can not just create a profile then leave it. You must post content often, build connections, attend free webinars and join groups.
  • Since the interview I had was on LinkedIn Video, the hiring person checked my profile in real-time and noted that I have the skillset and knowledge for the role I interviewed for. Crossing fingers for the next steps in the interviewing process.

I wanted to share this story. Because job searching is draining at the end of the day,  It’s an emotional roller coaster. However, to get results having a strategy is critical.

Stay tuned for more advice on job searching in 2021.