I’m Certified In Cybersecurity: What Are My Next Steps Part 2

 Happy New Year to 2021.  Since my last blog about this topic, a lot has changed. I have recently earned two certifications to enhance my cybersecurity career: the Scrum Foundations Certification and the Certified Scrum Master Certification.

I mentioned three main tips, but I wanted to go more in-depth about Why I earned these certs.

Know Your Career Path

Using the NIST 800-181 Cybersecurity Workforce Publication and my course, where I break this document down. Based on this document, my ultimate career path and past work experience align to Oversee and Govern. In my current role as a System Engineer, the organization, I support utilizes the SAFe Framework. However, I knew I needed to understand the basics of the Scrum Framework first to understand the terminology.

SAFe Framework
Scrum Framework

Since the company I support encourages their employees to invest in continuing education for career growth. I’m using this to my advantage and learn the knowledge based on my career path and what I’m interested in as well.

Benefits Of Earning These Certs

Before I determined what certifications, I need to understand the WHY?

The Why for taking the time to study for these certs is because of every role in my career. Most of the projects I was supporting was talking about this process called Agile or Scrum. Or as they put it, “ WE HAVE TO MOVE FAST” LOL. During this time, I would hear the terms but never knew what they meant. Until recently, with my current role, we started to implement this process and not just “ talk about” the process.

Now, earning these two certifications have some benefits. Understanding the terminology, I can apply this knowledge at work and contribute my expertise to specific projects. I’m able to grow in my career due to the research with positions requiring this certification.  There are non-technical roles in Cybersecurity that allows me to utilize my transferable skills.

What’s Next

Finally, to understand the SAFe Framework, I’m interested in learning how a Scrum Master aligns with that process.  The Scaled Agile Organization has many certifications to choose from, but I was interested in this one the most.

I found another 2-day course to earn this certification for January that starts on Jan 9th and Jan 10th. Stay tuned for the next blog about that experience as well.