Overcoming The Storm: Patience, Positivity, Inspiring


Today I wanted to share the struggles of finding employment after a layoff. This blog is for people who are living through the daily battles of trying to go into an industry with a so called “talent shortage”.  Therefore, I wanted to share overcoming the storm and recovering at the end.

In Dec 2017 I graduated with my M.S in Cybersecurity Technology that I received within a year. Then I travelled to Northern Virginia to embark on my new place.   When I took this job offer, I was under the belief that I would be there for another 2 years. When in fact, within four months the contract was not hopeful.  Due to that, in August I received a layoff letter and September 5, 2018 was my last day.  (Stress coming in total force)

I have learned over the years being a DoD contractor you must try to plan for these types of situations.  Prior to the layoff, an opportunity to obtain a higher clearance through a clearance sponsorship was the advancement I needed for my career.  For some reason I thought this process would go fast, oh was I wrong. The shutdown happened, and this is where the roller coaster ride started.  


In January 2019 I had to start my job search because the other position was not promising.  The next few sections will show the timeline of this search. This is where hard work and dedication, staying positive comes in during this journey.

January 2019

Started Jan 30th– Phone Interview with the recruiter and hiring manager (2 day turnaround with rejection aka redirection)

February 2019

Invested in Resume Writer Richard Drosin check out his services

Feb 7th – Phone interview with a recruiter, then Feb 13th hiring manager interview Feb 14th redirection

Feb 21st Phone interview with recruiter, Feb 28thcall  for in person interview for March 4th

Feb 25th -Phone interview with recruiter Feb 28th redirection did not meet requirements

March 2019

March 4th In person interview, March 15th contingent offer without a start date

March 12th Phone interview with a recruiter (build a relationship)

March 14th Attended a company open house

March 18th In person interview with hiring manager redirection the same day

March 20th-March 29th applied for a positions online

April 2019

April 2nd In person interview, April 8th redirection

April 3rd Phone interview April 9th redirection

April 10th Phone interview with recruiter, April 24th in person with hiring manager, April 25th redirection

April 11th In person interviews April 22nd redirection

April 15th-18th referrals Phone interviews (Posted my resume on LI with my story thank you for the shares!!!!)

April 19th Phone interview with hiring manager no response

April 22nd Phone interview with hiring manager no response (addition to other phone interviews with one more recruiter)

April 24th with a connection on LI

April 25th Phone interview with hiring manager

April 29th Phone interview with recruiter, May 1 In person interview, May 2 FINAL OFFER THE STORM HAS ENDED!

Hiring Process

This hiring process was longer for some reason than the recent years. As you can see from my timeline some companies took at least one week or two weeks to give feedback.  I was really pondering were these companies really “hiring” due to the data I accumulated.

In my final victory there was only one company with a speedy process. This process I was most familiar with in the past. A really smooth, tension free, straight forward hiring process. Thanks, goodness, for that comment on my post and my speedy response.  I OVERCAME THE STORM!

Best Practices for Improving the hiring process

  1. Companies should invest in new ATS systems with tracking of the interview. It’s 2019!
  2. Recruiters should find the time to get back to job seekers if it’s been over a week from their in-person interview. Yes, I do realize that you must run through the candidates, but to ease the stress from a job seeker point of prospect that little thing will be greatly valued.
  3. Companies should have a time line on when a job posting goes off the job site.
  4. Recruiters should take in a cybersecurity guide 101 so they can understand the diligence and several areas to get the right people. There is not a “skills gap in cybersecurity”. It’s a lot of people who have the skills, certifications, degrees, and self-taught to fill these positions.
  5. Every job posting need a revamp on what they are looking for in a role in the ideal education, accomplishments, or credentials. Please stop looking for purple unicorns they do not exist.

Overcoming the Storm

If someone would’ve told me that after my layoff 9 months later May 5th, 2019, I would still not have a career. I probably would not have believed them. Despite all of that I overcame my storm.  I begin my new adventure on May 6th 2019. By sharing this story, I hope I reached someone and let them know your time is coming just keep being positive.

Affirmation:  I dream it, I work hard, I grind ‘til I own it ~ Beyoncé

6 thoughts on “Overcoming The Storm: Patience, Positivity, Inspiring”

  1. Katia, you are an inspiration to all women in cybersecurity. Congratulations my dear!

  2. Katia…What an inspiring post! I’m looking forward to following the many other success stories that you have in your life.

    1. Thank you I felt it was important to share the whole story alot of people do not want to talk about the struggle but its needed. More stories will come down the line I’m not done yet.

  3. This is great insight on staying on the path and not giving up, especially for a recent graduate.

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