How This Student Invested In Their Cybersecurity Career & Gained a $155k Salary

I don’t know where to start…What a journey it has been. I came to Katia last year as an undergrad about to graduate with a degree in MIS. I barely had any experience, nor did I have a good resume. It was a difficult time in my life because I didn’t know what to do next or how to go about achieving my goals. I reached out to Katia because I needed guidance. Although I was not sure about what I needed to do, I did know that I was motivated and willing to do whatever it takes. During this time, I invested in the Career Clarity Package for my cyber career for Katia services to revamp my resume. From that investment, I immediately started seeing results. I had several different interview opportunities with various companies. However, I still could not land a position with any of them.

 I was devastated, but Katia encouraged me to keep pushing and keep applying. She even went ahead and revamped my resume AGAIN for free, and kept giving me advice even after my initial consultation was over. To this day, I can inbox Katia on LinkedIn anytime, and she responds with the quickness. She was so helpful and gave honest advice, such as when she advised me not to take the Security+ and instead get an AWS cert. I was furious with her because I had just paid hundreds of dollars to pay for the exam and had bought study materials. She was telling me not to worry about taking the exam I had invested time and money into? Despite my feelings, I trusted her. I took the advice, and within two weeks, I studied and passed my first AWS certification. I took the Solutions Architect exam three weeks after and also passed that as well. The same month I landed an internship position with AWS! Three months later, I landed a full-time job offer with AWS as a Solutions Architect with a salary of $155k+ with a sign-on bonus and overtime.

 As a 23 years old college graduate. I could not be more grateful for her help and support, which had helped me get to where I am today. My journey wasn’t comfortable, but the constant guidance and support from Katia kept me pushing forward. I owe a lot to her because she was the one that pushed me into getting the AWS certification. Because of my hard work and dedication and her honest advice and support.

Ultimate Career Clarity Program

Career joy is just a few steps away


Week One

Discovery and career matching. Get ready with our career coaching and skills assessment to match your current talents to your future Cybersecurity career opportunity.

  • 2 Live 1-on-1 Calls ($300)
  • Resume Revision ($299)
  • Career Mapping ($299)

Week Two

Articulating your value. Branding and portfolio development to transform your LinkedIn profile into job attracting machine. We’ll also run mock interviews to polish your pitch.

Week Three

Ongoing support and community access. You’ll get weekly check-ins and job search strategy feedback customized to achieve your unique career goals.

  • Job Search Strategy ($99)
  • Company Referrals (where possible)
  • 3 Months Support